jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Three Pertinent Facts

1. The Kimbell Art Museum was built after the Yale Art gallery, both made by Louis. I. Kahn, but with different purposes. The Kimbell was made as an institution and as a collection rather than being a more tradition piece like the gallery at Yale was.

2. The Kimbell family that started this museum did not have a place to exhibit their paintings at first. They tried their house, churches, the public library, but the display increased in popularity every time. There weren't enough funds to build a museum at first.

3. Kay Kimbell passed away in 1964 and it wasn't until then that, with his will money, his wife was able to gather enough resources to build a museum in the name of her husband.

Source: The Art Museum of Louis I. Kahn
              Loud, Patricia Cummings. "The Kimbell Art Museum." The Art Museums of Louis I. Kahn. Durham: Published by Duke UP in Association with Duke U Museum of Art, 1989. 101-09. Print.

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